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Turquoise Stone: Meaning, Properties, and Uses

Turquoise Stone: Meaning, Properties, and Uses

Turquoise, a captivating gemstone, carries a rich tapestry of color and history. Known for its unique shades of blue and green, Turquoise has been a symbol of wisdom, nobility, and the power of immortality among ancient civilizations. This precious stone has been used in the crafting of jewelry, amulets, and as a talisman providing protection and power.

What is Turquoise?

Turquoise is a hydrous phosphate mineral of copper and aluminum. This gemstone is known for its stunning blue to green color. The presence of copper imparts the beautiful blue color, while iron and chrome provide softer green tones. The gemstone is fairly soft, making it ideal for carving intricate designs.

Turquoise Mineral Specimens
Turquoise Mineral Specimens

Turquoise Physical Properties Information

Category Phosphate Mineral
Variety of Turquoise
Crystal system Triclinic
Cleavage Good
Crystallography Triclinic
Formula CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8·4H2O
Birthstone December
Etymology From French, pierre turquoise, “Turkish stone”
Colors Blue, Green
Fracture Luster Waxy to Mat
Hardness 5-6 Mohs
Transparency Opaque

Where is Turquoise Found?

Turquoise is major deposits are found in Iran, the Sinai Peninsula, the United States (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada), China, Afghanistan, and Turkey.

Here is some of the famous locations information around the world where Turquoise is found:

  • United States:
    • Arizona: The state is known for producing some of the best-quality turquoise in the world. The Sleeping Beauty Mine, Kingman Mine, and Bisbee Mine are famous for their Turquoise.
    • Nevada: Known for its beautiful green and blue Turquoise, with the Royston and Lander Blue mines being quite notable.
    • New Mexico and Colorado: These states also have mines that produce turquoise.
  • Iran: Iran has been a significant source of high-quality Turquoise for thousands of years. The stone from this region is known for its sky-blue color.
  • Sinai Peninsula: Ancient mines in the Sinai Peninsula have been in operation for over 5,000 years.
  • China: China is a major producer of Turquoise, known for its green Turquoise with dark, intricate veining.
  • Afghanistan: Afghanistan is known for high-quality, green to blue-green Turquoise with a distinct matrix.
  • Turkey: Turkey has historical significance for Turquoise, which was traded extensively in ancient times.
  • Chile: Chile is known for its blue Turquoise with dark matrix, similar to some American Turquoise.

How Does Turquoise Form?

Turquoise forms in dry, mineral-rich areas where rainwater holding oxygen seeps into the ground and reacts with copper, aluminum, and phosphorus in rocks. This response causes minerals to deposit in crevices within the rocks. As the water evaporates over millions of years, those deposits harden and produce turquoise, which is typically discovered in host rocks such as sandstone or limonite, as nuggets or vein fillings.

Types of Turquoise

Turquoise, a cherished gemstone, comes in various types, each exhibiting unique hues, matrix patterns, and origins. The diversity in Turquoise types is a reflection of the distinct geological conditions present in the regions where they form. Below are descriptions of some types of turquoise:

  • Sleeping Beauty Turquoise: Sleeping Beauty Turquoise Origin from Sleeping Beauty Mine, Arizona, USA. It is known for its solid, light blue color with little to no matrix. It is highly sought after for its pure and vibrant color.
  • Bisbee Turquoise: Bisbee Turquoise Origin from Bisbee, Arizona, USA. Recognized for its deep blue color and unique smoky bisbee brown matrix. It is a high-quality turquoise, valued for its striking appearance.
  • Kingman Turquoise: Kingman Turquoise Origin from Kingman, Arizona, USA. Offers a range of blue and green colors with unique matrix patterns. It is one of the most popular and affordable types of turquoise.
  • Morenci Turquoise: Morenci Turquoise Origin from Morenci, Arizona, USA. It is known for its high blue color and unique iron pyrite, or “fool’s gold,” matrix, giving it a sparkling appearance.
  • Royston Turquoise: Royston Turquoise Origin from Royston, Nevada, USA. Offers a unique green and blue color range with a distinctive brown matrix. It is known for its beautiful and diverse coloration.
  • Pilot Mountain Turquoise: Pilot Mountain Turquoise Origin from Pilot Mountain, Nevada, USA. It is known for its blue-to-green color range and varied matrix patterns.
  • Persian Turquoise: Persian Turquoise Origin from Iran. It is renowned for its sky-blue color and is often found without a matrix. It is one of the most valuable types of turquoise.
  • Chinese Turquoise: Chinese turquoise originates from China. Typically green with a dark matrix. It is abundant and thus more affordable.

Each type of turquoise carries its unique charm and characteristics, contributing to the allure and variety that make this gemstone so beloved worldwide. Whether used in jewelry, art, or spiritual practices, the diverse types of turquoise offer something for everyone, resonating with different energies, aesthetics, and preferences.

Turquoise Historical Significance

Historically, Turquoise was a significant stone for various ancient civilizations. In ancient Egypt, it adorned royal artifacts, symbolizing protection and divinity. Persians believed in its shielding powers, embedding it in weapons and turbans. Native Americans, viewing it as sacred, used it in spiritual rituals and adornments. Ancient Chinese associated it with longevity and good fortune, while during the Middle Ages, it was believed to ward off poisons.

Turquoise is steeped in history and has been admired by many cultures over the years. It has a special meaning due to its unique blue-green color. Even today, it is still highly valued as a symbol of luck, prosperity, and healing.

Turquoise Jewelry
Turquoise Jewelry

Turquoise Meaning

Turquoise embodies protection, wisdom, and balance. It's revered as a healing stone, offering peace, harmony, and mental clarity. Historically significant, it connects cultures, symbolizing life and immortality in ancient Egypt and sacred value in Native American traditions. Today, it remains a symbol of communication, creativity, and spiritual bonding, resonating across generations.

Turquoise Symbolic Meaning

Symbolically, turquoise is linked to the sky, symbolizing air and fire and bringing favorable energy, hope, and balance. It is also associated with personal protection, making it a popular talisman for warriors, kings, and shamans.

Turquoise Spiritual Meaning

Spiritually, turquoise is a stone of communication, resonating with the Throat Chakra. It encourages the expression of one's most profound truths and wisdom, fostering honest and clear communication from the heart.

Turquoise Healing Properties

Turquoise is believed to align the chakras, enhance immune function, and relieve stress. Its calming energies aid in emotional balance, offering solace for the spirit and well-being for the body. Turquoise is also thought to detoxify, aiding in the absorption of nutrients and alleviating pain and inflammation.

Whether worn turquoise as jewelry, used in meditation, or utilized in other healing practices, turquoise continues to be a cherished stone for individuals seeking physical healing, emotional balance, and spiritual enlightenment.

Turquoise Metaphysical Properties

The metaphysical properties of Turquoise include the enhancement of creativity, love, relaxation, and balance. It is considered a stone of communication, enhancing spiritual bonding and honest expression. It's believed to align and balance chakras, fostering inner harmony and spiritual attunement. Turquoise is also seen as a stone of protection, strong and opaque, yet soothing to the touch and healing to the eye.

Turquoise Healing Benefits

Turquoise, a gemstone revered across cultures and time, holds a plethora of healing benefits that cater to both the body and the soul. Its vibrant hues of blue and green are not just a visual delight but also a symbol of potent healing energies.

Physical Healing:

Turquoise is believed to have a beneficial impact on the immune system, enhancing its functionality and providing a shield against various ailments. It's also considered a detoxifying stone, helping to purge the body of toxins and impurities.

Emotional Healing:

Turquoise helps to balance emotions, providing calmness and relief from stress and anxiety. The stone's soothing energies foster emotional stability, assisting individuals to navigate the tumults of life with serenity and clarity.

Spiritual Healing:

In the spiritual realm, Turquoise is thought to enhance spiritual awareness, deepen meditation experiences, and fortify the connection between the physical and spiritual worlds. It aligns and balances the chakras, ensuring a harmonious flow of energy throughout the body.

Protective Properties:

Beyond healing, Turquoise is a guardian stone believed to ward off negativity, provide protection from harm, and attract positive energies and good fortune.

How to Use Turquoise Crystals?

Incorporating turquoise crystals into your daily life and spiritual practices is a beautiful way to harness their healing, protective, and balancing energies. Whether worn as jewelry, used in meditation, or placed in your environment, Turquoise serves as a constant reminder of peace, healing, and spiritual attunement.

Below is a guide on how to use Turquoise crystals to harness their beneficial energies:

Turquoise Emotional Healing and Feelings

Turquoise helps to stabilize mood swings, dissolve self-sabotage, and allow self-expression. It promotes inner calm while keeping you alert to danger and helping you express yourself honestly and creatively.

Mind: In the realm of the mind, Turquoise aids in mental relaxation and clarity, providing insight and wisdom and enhancing intuition and creativity.

Body: For the body, Turquoise is believed to provide detoxifying and anti-inflammatory benefits, promoting overall health and well-being.

Spirit: Spiritually, Turquoise aids in spiritual attunement, enhancing communication between the physical and spiritual worlds.

Turquoise At Home and Work

Place Turquoise stones in your home or workplace to invite tranquility, peace, and positive energy, promoting relaxation and balance.

Turquoise for Relationships

In relationships, Turquoise helps foster honest, open communication, deepening connections and understanding between individuals.

Turquoise Chakra

Turquoise resonates with the Throat Chakra, enhancing communication, expression, and creativity.

Turquoise Beauty Products

Incorporate turquoise into your beauty routine for its detoxifying and anti-inflammatory benefits, promoting healthy, radiant skin.

Turquoise Color Energy

Turquoise emits calming, refreshing energy, resonating with the Throat Chakra and promoting balance, peace, and relaxation.

Turquoise for Meditation

Use turquoise during meditation to enhance your practice, deepen your connection to the spiritual realm, and promote inner peace and clarity.

Turquoise Divination

In divination, Turquoise is used to provide insight, wisdom, and clarity, enhancing psychic abilities and spiritual communication.

Turquoise and the Angelic Realm

Turquoise is associated with the angelic realm, providing a connection to divine guidance and protection.

Turquoise in Art and Decor

Utilize turquoise in art and decor to bring a sense of peace, balance, and positive energy to your space.

Turquoise in Jewelry

Wear Turquoise jewelry to harness its healing, protective, and balancing energies.

Turquoise Goddess Crystals

Turquoise is associated with various goddesses, representing feminine energy, creativity, and nurturing.

Turquoise Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, turquoise is used to enhance energy flow, balance, and harmony, promoting positive energy and tranquility.

Turquoise Birthstone

Turquoise is the December birthstone, symbolizing freedom, good luck, and success. It is believed to provide peace, love, and protection to those born in this month. Wearing Turquoise jewelry is thought to bring healing, attract positive energies, and ward off hostile forces, offering a shield of protection and spiritual alignment for December-born individuals.

Turquoise Buying Guide

Purchasing a Turquoise gemstone is an exciting endeavor, but it's essential to be well informed to make a wise investment. Below is a comprehensive guide to assist you in buying genuine and high-quality turquoise:

  • Color: Look for turquoise stones with a consistent, vibrant blue or green hue. The most valued turquoise has a medium blue tone. Ensure the color is evenly distributed throughout the stone.
  • Matrix: The matrix, or the web-like patterns on the stone, should be attractive and complement the turquoise stone's color. Some prefer a smooth, matrix-free stone, while others seek unique matrix patterns.
  • Natural vs. Treated: Opt for natural turquoise. Treated or stabilized stones are less valuable. Ask the seller about any enhancements or treatments the stone has undergone.
  • Size and Shape: Choose a size and shape that suits your purpose, whether for jewelry, collection, or metaphysical use. Usually, the larger the size of the turquoise, the more valuable it is.
  • Origin: Turquoise from certain mines, like the Sleeping Beauty Mine in Arizona, is highly prized.

Turquoise Care

Turquoise is a relatively soft and porous gemstone, is crucial to maintain its beauty and longevity. Here's a comprehensive guide to ensure your Turquoise remains in pristine condition:

  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Keep turquoise away from chemicals, cosmetics, and perfumes. These substances can discolor and damage the stone.
  • Clean Gently: Clean turquoise with lukewarm water and a soft brush. Avoid harsh detergents or ultrasonic cleaners, as they can erode the stone's surface.
  • Store Properly: Store Turquoise separately in a jewelry box or a soft cloth bag to prevent scratches from harder gemstones.
  • Protect from Impact: Be cautious to avoid knocking your turquoise against hard surfaces, as it can cause chips and cracks.
  • Limit Sun Exposure: Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can fade the color of Turquoise. Store it in a cool, dark place when not in use.
  • Handle with Clean Hands: Handle turquoise with clean, dry hands, as oils and dirt can affect its appearance.

Proper care and maintenance will ensure your Turquoise retains its beauty and value over time. By following these care guidelines, you can enjoy the aesthetic and metaphysical properties of your Turquoise gemstone for years to come, making it a cherished item in your collection or a meaningful heirloom for future generations.


In conclusion, Turquoise is not just a beautiful gemstone but also a powerful ally for healing, protection, and spiritual growth. Its rich history and diverse range of uses make it a must-have for gem enthusiasts and spiritual practitioners alike.

Turquoise FAQs

  • What is the hardness of Turquoise?

    Turquoise has a hardness of 5-6 on the Mohs scale.
  • Where is Turquoise found?

    Major deposits of Turquoise are found in Iran, the Sinai Peninsula, the United States (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada), China, Afghanistan, and Turkey.
  • What are the healing properties of Turquoise?

    Turquoise is believed to aid in the absorption of nutrients, enhance the immune system, stimulate tissue regeneration, and provide anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects.
  • How to use Turquoise for healing?

    Wear Turquoise as jewelry, carry it as a stone, or place it in your home or workspace to harness its healing and spiritual benefits.
  • What is the spiritual significance of Turquoise?

    Turquoise enhances meditation, intuition, and communication with the spiritual realm, providing insight, wisdom, and a deeper connection to the spiritual world.

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